Candid insights

The big picture of the social sector, backed by data and expertise

What you need to know right now about donor-advised fund giving 

What should you know about a donor-advised fund? Get expert answers to common questions–like what a donor-advised fund is, how to it works, and data-driven trends on DAF growth–along with articles to learn more.

By Kyoko Uchida (she/her)

September 23, 2024

Confessions of a former DEI skeptic  

A former DEI skeptic, Ford Foundation’s Diane Headley Samuels shares her personal story and career journey in HR that lead her to become an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and practices.

By Diane Headley Samuels (she/her)

September 19, 2024

Organizing across generations for civil rights 

Learn about three key multigenerational organizing strategies to create grassroots movements that can bring together diverse generations to safeguard civil rights and foster a more inclusive and vibrant democracy.

By Svante Myrick (he/him/his)

September 18, 2024

Why are grantmakers stuck in separate siloes?

Why do private and corporate grantmakers operate in silos when they share so much in common? Explore the powerful possibilities that collaboration between institutional and corporate philanthropy could unlock.

By Sam Caplan (he/him)

September 17, 2024

Community relationships strengthen public trust in nonprofits 

Gain data-driven insights on public trust in nonprofits from Independent Sector’s research, and learn why community relationships and engagement are vital to building and sustaining trust for today’s charitable organizations.

By Dr. Akilah Watkins (she/her)

September 16, 2024

Human rights funding pivots in crisis: Tradeoffs, gaps, and lessons learned 

Human rights funding peaked in 2020; delve into Human Rights Funders Network’s research findings to find out where it went and the gaps that still remain.

By Rachel Thomas (she/her) and Kellea Miller (she/her)

September 12, 2024

Don’t be afraid to tap into donor-advised funds (DAFs) 

Learn how your nonprofit can benefit from participating in the first-ever DAF Day in 2024–a collaborative effort to help nonprofits receive more gifts from donor-advised funds, today’s fastest growing vehicle for charitable giving.

By Mitch Stein (he/him)

September 11, 2024

Can nonprofit arts organizations survive inflation and revenue woes?

Nonprofit arts organizations face existential challenges due to post-pandemic inflation and declining revenues; find out why a diversified funding strategy is critical to the cultural sector’s recovery and survival.

By Katie Ingersoll (she/her) and Zannie Giraud Voss (she/her)

September 10, 2024

Investing in fair, inclusive data

As data powers the rise of new technology, discover why corporate and philanthropic funders should invest in data equity to avoid exacerbating AI biases and societal inequities that the nonprofit sector is hard at work to address.

By Zaki Barzinji (he/him/his)

September 9, 2024